Accessing mental health & addiction services can be challenging, but WE MAKE IT EASY
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Together We Serve

Veterans and Communities ~ Finding Purpose


Tuesday, November 15; 9am – 1pm

Wednesday, November 16; 9Am – 1pm

Total CEUs: 8 hours | Approved for LPC, SWK, RN, & Addictions professionals


Registration is closed for this virtual event, however, Veterans may attend in-person at any of the following four locations:


Wheeling Vet Center
1058 East Bethlehem Boulevard
Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: (304) 232-0587

Morgantown Vet Center
34 Commerce Drive
Morgantown, WV26501
Phone:(304) 291-4303

Beckley Vet Center
210 Grey Flats Road
Beckley, WV 25801
(near Beckley DMV)
Phone: (877) 927-8387

Princeton Vet Center
1511 North Walker Street
Princeton, WV 24640
Phone: (304) 425-8098


Do not complete CEU Request Form or Evaluation until you are done attending sessions. You may only complete the forms ONCE.